Top 25 Albums of 2015 Dec 24, 2015 music Top 25 Albums of 2015 2015 was an amazing year in music. Streaming became an even bigger part of our every day lives, skirmishes were had, and records weren'
Sep 23, 2015 tech The Dream of a Better Battery Let's cut right to the chase. Phones are getting more and more amazing each and every year. However, there is one crucial part
Sep 25, 2014 tech Why #bendgate is Important Two days ago, YouTube user Unbox Therapy posted a video demonstrating how under the pressure exerted from just his hands, he was able to bend
Sep 1, 2014 my two cents Internet Creeps, Celebrity Nudes, & Privacy Over the last two years that I've been frequenting Reddit, I've really grown to love and appreciate the site. It'
Aug 28, 2014 my two cents games What The F*** is Going on with Video Games?! I haven't been someone who would consider himself a gamer by any stretch of the imagination for many years now. The last two